Well, this has been some week! One of those that can really drive you to your knees--in prayer. It can also, if you are bi-polar, knock you into a depressive episode. I am in more of a funk then a big depressive episode. Stinks though! It started out with Jack having another flair up with his foot. Then we got a call Monday about Tina. She had just been placed in a wonderful assisted living for mentally challenged folks about 50 miles from us. We were worried about her because she said she was homesick and missed going to church with us. Well she ended up swallowing some batteries and this time they had to cut her open to remove them. So she is back in a lockdown facility and what happens now is anyone's guess. Then we got word about a friend passing away and the very next day we learned a lady I knew as a child had passed away also. Then today Jack's cousin let him know that his estranged mother's husband had passed away. He was not a nice person and we neither one liked the way he treated people, but we hated to see it happen to his mom. At least Jack did call her and is going to try to stay in touch.
Now onto stitching. Jack is doing more quilt squares in yellow this time.

I am working on my angel again. Not a lot done but I am gonna tackle that moon big time!

Doesn't this look like fun?

I was blessed with some awards and I am long overdo in saying thank you and showing them to you. This one is from
Nancie and I can not thank her enough! I am passing it on to the following bloggers:
A kiwi stitchingContemplating my needle & threadSharon's cross stitch obsessionTeeny tiny cabin
And this I received from
Terry. I am passing it on to the following folks:
A home away from homeConnie's thoughtsCovered by graceDouble nickel farmPenless WriterHsKubes haven at home
Have a blessed Sunday.
Oh Michelle, what a terrible week you guys have had. I am so sorry to hear about Tina. Just keep praying, Michelle. We know that God is the only one who has the answers to anything and everything that we face and deal with. I appreciate your being so open and honest about the things you are dealing with. Glad Jack is going to make contact.....that is so important for us.
Thanks for the sweet award.
((hugs)) & you know you have my prayers!!!!
Dear Michelle, I am so sorry that you all have had such a trying week. I pray that beginning tomorrow the days will be twice as good as they have been trying in the past week.
Thank you so much for the award. It was so dear of you to think of me. I will do my best in passing it own. I know one thing you certainly deserve it . May your days be shinning and bright. connie from texas
Hello Michelle,
I'm so sorry to hear about Tina. I know and understand how concerned you must be about her. Please try to remember that our Lord won't put you through anything you can't handle, but will provide (if you should choose to take it) a way for you to be able handle it.(1 Corinthians 10:13, James 1:12-18) God allows trials to occur in all of our lives and in them there is the temptation to doubt His care. But He has promised not to allow more than believers can endure and never without a way to escape by choosing to obey His Word and to remain confident in His care. One of my favorite verses when I need to remember God's love and concern for me is 1 Peter 5:7--
"casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."
We can be assured that we can cast all of our discontent, dicouragement, despair, and suffering on the Lord, and trust Him for knowing what He's doing with our lives--because He is in control and cares about everything!
Please know, Michelle that I will be praying for Tina and for Jack, and for you, with all my heart--I care.
I also want to thank you for thinking of me and presenting me with this special award. I am honored and appreciate it so much!
My husband and I will be doing an Antique show in Upstate New York and won't be back until next Sunday so I won't be posting for awhile. Until then--
Keeping you in my Prayers, With Love, Claudia O.
I really hope that next week is better week for you all, and everything is fine again. Thankyou so much for the award, that is really kind of you to nominate me, I really appreciate it.
When trials come, they seem to come in bunches. But the Lord will see you through them. When these things happen, just hold on tight to the Lord's Hand. Read His Word for encouragement and pray to tell Him how you feel. He understands.
I have a nephew who messed with bad drugs in his late teen years and later was diagnosed a schizophrenic. He did some strange things! He drank some bleach one time. Amazing that he lived. He is in his 30's now and lives at his mom's and she sees that he gets his medicine to keep him under control. It's just so sad.
I will keep Tina in my prayers.
Wow, when it rains it pours! I am so sorry that you had such a tough week. This one HAS to be better!
Oh Michelle!!! ***hugs*** I know how you must be feeling, a bad week when you have bipolar can be a real hard one to deal with. Know that you Jake and of course Tina are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I could send you more than a hug and my thoughts but I know that sometimes just knowing someone is thinking of you makes a difference!
Take care!
Lots of love
Sorrowful seasons do come around, but our Savior does not leave us without comfort. Praise His Holy name!!! Sending you a virtual (((hug)))!
Keeping you in prayer.
Michelle, you all are in my prayers and I certainly hope this week is soooo much better than the last.
Love you, girl!
Michelle, that was just terrible news all around. I hope Jack is better now. Both of your wip's look great-nice progress on your angel. Congrats on your awards and thank you so much for mine!
Hi Michelle,
Goodness you've had a terrible week! My thoughts and prayers are with you and I'm sending you a nice big (((hug)))
So sorry to hear about so many people in distress! my prayers are with you Michelle! Keep stitching though, it does seem to help me when I'm down.
Hugs my friend!
Oh dear. So much happening. I think in times like these it is best to find comfort in Him.
Thankyou so much for the award, and forgive me for taking so much time to respond.
Hugs from New Mexico.
double nickel farm
I'm especailly sorry to hear about Tina. I have several mentally ill friends, so I know how much you can love 'em even when they do foolish things. I'm sure your heart is breaking for her.
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