Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Major news!

 Monday morning my Jack laid down for a nap before lunch. At lunch time I could not wake him without great difficulty and he was just not there really for those fleeting seconds. An ambulance was called and his oxygen was so low they took him straight to a larger hospital in Joplin.

Yesterday he has had a few lucid times but still wanted to sleep. Last night he talked to me and if I took my time and went slowly he did fairly well. His right lung was full of fluid. They are still doing tests to get him back to my Jack.

Things can happen so quickly my friends. One minute all is right, you are making a nice lunch for your beloved and the next minute it all caves in on you. Never miss a chance to say you love someone and hug them or at least give them a smile.

Totally out of it.
Still not totally here the next day.

Blessed day and huggles.

Sunday, July 21, 2024


 Friends, I really tried hard to get back to blogging. There are rare times it works okay but mostly it doesn't. My husband's health is frail anymore and his care and much of the work here falls on me anymore. With my own health issues a lot of days are long and painful. For example it is after seven in the evening here now. It has taken me from seven this morning to do all the things that need done. Jack was able to wash my evening dishes so I could clean the bathroom and have a shower. He also is able to help fold laundry some days. I have to take a sit down after about thirty minutes or so or risk being out of commission with no one to help Jack should that happen.

So you see, there is precious little time even to crochet. The only crocheting so far this week was the three days when Jack  spent time in hospital this week. I am not complaining but life has greatly changed for us. Long rides are now rides out of town for doctor visits or rarely to go see my brother. 

I will pop in if something major happens but most of my posting is Facebook or Instagram where I can do quick posts. God bless you all. We two here are blessed more than we deserve.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Close to a finish

 Well hello again! I am busy crocheting away and getting close to finishing the last commission cardigan. Working on the first sleeve and it is going quickly. Hoping for a finish in the next week or two as the husband has very few appointments. Here is a picture of the sleeve which is worked in continuous rounds. The hole at the armpit will be closed up when finished.

I also am working now and again on my sparkly blanket.

Yesterday was spent at a hospital in Joplin for a procedure for my Jack which had to be canceled because of unfavorable blood work. It did though give me time to crochet some crosses for another friend.

That is about the sum of my crochet work this last week. Yesterday really took it out of Jack. We didn't get home until four in the afternoon. He tried to make yarn cakes but fell asleep.

And Bozz of course is being Bozz!

So that is all our excitement for the week. I got a nasty steam burn a week ago that I am thankful is healing well although it is terribly sore and will take plenty more time to heal. I won't show how nasty it looked in the beginning, but look how well it is doing considering I had a couple holes and blisters.

So have a blessed week until we meet here again

 Huggles and blessings.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Short post

 I have been a bit under the weather and coming off a two day migraine. So enjoy a few pictures just for fun!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Welcome July!

 Hello again my friends. Jack has had a few rough days this last week but we are doing good. Bozz is a happy, rotten boy as always. So here we go!

Jack finished this beautiful table topper called blue delft. I love it under my lamp in the bedroom.

I am working on the last of the cardigans for a friend and a sparkly square blanket.

In the Bozz department are lots of naps, sunning and beating up of t shirts.

A short post and sorry about that but last week was a bit of a challenge. I am so thankful for the palliative care nurse practitioner that calls monthly to help me keep Jack in the best shape we can!

Huggles and blessings.

Monday, June 24, 2024

A bit tardy post

 A bit late I know but I had a nasty migraine yesterday. The heat doesn't help either but enough of that, let's get on with the post!

I finished the wine color cardigan and will soon have it sent to it's home. It will be a present for my friends granddaughter in August.

I am also working on another cardigan. The body is worked all in one piece. A very interesting pattern and fun to do.

I am also making several small crosses for another friend who likes to give them out. Sorry, no pictures of the crosses. Here is a picture of Jack's handy work hanging in my pantry.

And of course we must have Bozz pictures!

And how about finishing this post with just a few pictures for fun?

So thanks for visiting. Blessings and huggles.