Friday, December 24, 2010

Boxes, wolves and kitties

Here is little Miss Sylvia Joy chillin' in her box.  Right now she is abusing her toy mice and fuzzy balls and just having a great time.
We had to move our computer in the living room so Jack can fix the hole in the floor.  Well you know I just had to torment Jack and when he turned around I got this picture.  Poor Jackster!
Lookie, lookie!  I am so close to being done with this section on my wolf and then on to a page with more than two colors!  I can not wait!
Last picture of Sylvia napping on the couch at Jack's feet. 
God bless you all and huggles.  If you celebrate Christmas, may it be blessed.


Virpi said...

A very merry Christmas to you and your family and a Happy New Year. That wolf looks awsome!

DaisyGirl said...

Your kitty is so pretty! Your wolf is looking great!