Tuesday, November 6, 2018

October in Review

Not a lot of anything happened here most of October. My time was spent taking care of my beloved Jack and trying to do all the chores. He was in a lot of pain with his feet which were also very, very swollen. They believe it to be diabetic nerve damage. However I did have a finish and another project going. The cross table cover i done and ready to go home as soon as I finish the angels. I am nearly there.
I am also working on my scarf. I should have gotten it done as the night's are to be pretty cold here this week.
And I have a project for our church. I am making a LOT of crosses for our linens we use.
Now onto some cute critters! First a cuddled up bunch of young squirrels.
A very pretty butterfly!
And a lazy, grumpy Sylvia!
Fall colors are really popping here this last week. I will have more to share later on. This is in our complex.

Thanks for visiting. I hope not to be gone so long this time. Jack is feeling a lot better although he still has some pain and swelling. Huggles and blessings.