Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Hello Again

 Once again I have been missing. It has been a bit of  rough time of it. Let me first update you on Jack's health. The weekend after Christmas he ended up in hospital for two weeks and had just over 20 pounds of fluids removed. That was a bit unnerving as he was having low oxygen. After church one Sunday, our priest and his wife and some dear friends came for a visit. And a dear person who works at the hospital has become my crochet buddy and dear friend. Father Michael also prayed with a nurse having a rough day and gave us communion.

Jack was back in hospital for a week the first part of February for a UTI brought on by self cathing as ordered by his urologist since is bladder is barely working now. More on that in a bit. He came home and within a little over a week he was back with a blood sugar of over 500 and a very serious uti requiring very strong antibiotics as well as a broken ankle. The decision was also made that a wearing a catheter bag was a better option. We also learned he has congestive heart failure and that because of the disc disease he will eventually lose use of his legs and it is the cause of the bladder issues. Happily except for an observation stay overnight after a fall he is home and getting stronger. We have a wheelchair for bad days or treacherous walking situations. He is also having skin issues which we will see a dermatologist for that. And he had a procedure which has gotten him off the blood thinners. I think that is all for now. Let's go onto happier news.

Our 2007 Camry was beginning to have issues and I need a reliable car for out of town doctor visits for Jack. We went to Roper Kia in Joplin Mo. and were treated so very well! We came home with a 2022 Kia Soul with less than 60,000 miles. They dropped the price on it by 3,000 dollars and gave us 3,000 dollars for our car, a 1,000 dollars for sales tax and a 75,000 mile warranty. We love our Kia!

Bozz is doing well and full of himself as usual.

We enjoyed our first bbq this year.

And yes we are still being crafty. Bad days for Jack I do not get much or sometimes anything done but still crocheting.

So that is the update. We walk a tightrope of trying to keep Jack as healthy as possible and fight thru the not so good days. I am hopeful I can keep up better now with everyone. I will do my best!

1 comment:

Mother Em said...

Oh My Goodness. It is so great to hear from you. It has been a long time, but I have checked in every day to see if there was any news. It has certainly been an eventful year, but not a happy one with Jack's ups-and-downs. Here are blessings and wishes things improve for him and gives you strength to take care of him and "yourself." Take care dear lady. Mary in GA