Friday, August 9, 2024

Our new lives

 As you can see, Jack is much brighter and happier.

We took one day this week and had a fun day with a ride, lunch out, a car wash and home again. Jack did very, very well. He was just a little tired and we had so much fun!

He has two nurse visits a week, a home health aide comes in once a week to change the bed for me as it is really painful for me, LPNs come in one day a week. A social worker comes in monthly also. They are working on treating a nearly year long, painful, ugly, weepy rash. It is much better! We were gifted a portable dishwasher by a new friend and starting next week, meals on wheels will deliver food. 

It gets a bit overwhelming for me with so many people coming by but as I get to know them, it will be better. I am hoping as we settle into this new routine, I can start posting crafty things again. I feel as if a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders! We even hope to attend church again very soon. 

How about some Bozz pictures before I go?

So thank you for visiting. Blessings and huggles.


Mother Em said...

Good that Jack is being treated by the visiting nurses, etc. He's looking so much better. Keep up the good work Jack. And blessings on this house as you mend together. Hey to Bozz.

? said...

I am so glad things have settled down and you have the support you need. I will continue to keep you both in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

It is a wonderful blessing that you two have each other.
I'm glad jacks doing better.
Bozz is a beautiful kitty.
Wishing yo the best as you settle into your daily routine.

Bean said...

I hope things are going well, I continue to keep you both in my prayers.


Snowcatcher said...

So thankful things are on the upswing! Keep hanging in there! Prayers from Colorado...

Anonymous said...

Prayers and blessings to you both. Boz is a handsome fellow! :)