Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Word filled Wednesday

I want to try and get back in the habit of doing this.  this is a little thing I always put with the beaded angels i make.  God bless!


The imPerfect Housewife said...

I LOVE that Michelle! I always love visiting here, it's so relaxing for me ~ don't ask me why, it just is. I read your comment on The Mennobrarian's blog about trying to get up your snowy driveway and I felt like I was right there with you! Ours slopes also and sometimes there's a lot of backing up and trying over and over before I finally get in the garage. I love how you say "huggles" - that cracks me up!! ♥

gemini said...

Wheeww..its a beautiful passage and reminder for us all. thanks for sharing.