Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy June crafting

 I am going to do my blogging again and posts on Sundays. Prayers appreciated!

Jack is holding his own and things are settling down with appointments. He still does and always will have a lot of serious chronic illnesses which means some good days and some bad. However he is still stitching away, working on models and helping me out where and when he can.

Bozz is still Bozz. Still full of himself and often a rascal but a big snuggle bug mush too!

Me? Well I am still crocheting but not as much gets done with the extra help Jack needs. All in all, I am happy and content.

Here are some things I have and am working on. Two cardigans for different friends who asked me to do them. Crosses for another friend to give away. Lots of afghans too! And I will be making ruanas for our hospital here in town.

So I suppose that is enough for this week. I will see you next week, Lord willing. Blessings and hugs.


Mother Em said...

Love to you two and Bozz from Georgia.

Regina said...

Its good to hear from you. I love your projects. I'm crocheting again after a long break. I had really missed it. I'm glad Jack is still stitching. Its good for him I'm sure!